Hazel Wood, Headley Down, Hampshire. 11.6 acres of mixed woodland and open areas, with plenty of scope for a weekend forester. £135,000 (freehold) [#S2294]
An interesting woodland with a blend of Scots pine, sweet chestnut and a peppering of rowan, presenting an opportunity for recreation and light management.
11.6 acres
Nearest Postcode
GU35 8SH (This is for the local area, not specific to the woodland).
Point A: ///freely.goofy.solid
Point B: ///sweetener.librarian.remodel
Point C: ///falters.dabbled.annotated
Centre of woodland: ///irritated.copiers.curtains
Ordnance Survey Grid References
OS Landranger Series Sheet No: 186
- Roadside access: SU 840 364
- Centre of wood: SU 845 368
Situated in semi-rural east Hampshire and fringing the village of Headley Down, Hazel Wood forms part of a larger forest and was historically part of the estate known as the Land of Nod. It is accessed along a private tarmac drive and a woodland track.
Located over mildly undulating sandy loamy soils, the mature canopy to the west for the most part comprises Scots pine along with birch, sweet chestnut, Lawson cypress, beech, and rowan. The eastern side is a blend of large sweet chestnut coppice, oak, rowan, birch, and ash - the sweet chestnut coppice could undoubtedly produce a modest domestic fuel supply.
The pine could be gently thinned with resultant yields used to produce a range of forest products – perhaps fence posts or veneer. The residual pine stems could go on to create some good sawlogs in the future. In the shrub layer below you will find hazel coppice, holly, hawthorn, and areas of laurel.
Towards the south is a clearing that might make a nice secluded spot to hone one’s bushcraft skills. In the southeast corner there is a small glade that would be perfect for camping once mowed. An interesting hollow can be found near the north, perhaps hinting at historical management.
The mammal population includes roe, muntjac and fallow deer, badger, hare, wood mouse and fox. Owl, coal tit, blackbird, green woodpecker, lesser redpoll and lots of harmonious songsters have all been identified at this woodland.
If It Were Mine
I would spend a day brush-cutting the open area in the southeast corner to create a discreet camping spot. I would consider writing a simple management plan for the woodland, perhaps focusing on future-proofing and generating low-volume domestic timber produce. Building a tool store could be a project to make use of any pine removed from the woodland.
Please remember some management operations require approval and/or a licence.
To View This Woodland
You are welcome to view this woodland at any time during daylight hours. We suggest you download a copy of these particulars and take them with you to assist in identifying boundaries, features and access points.
Residential Planning Permission
You are extremely unlikely to get residential planning permission for this woodland.
Directions & Access
- From the middle of Headley Down and the Texaco garage, head southeast along the B3002 following signs for Hindhead and Grayshott.
- As you leave the village you will see a stone access with black steel gates set back off the road, signposted for the ‘Land of Nod’ (point A on the plan below).
- Turn left along the private drive, immediately passing a red brick lodge on the right.
- Continue along the private drive through woodland, passing a field on the left.
- After 495 metres, turn right onto a stone track (point B), indicated by the sign ‘Danger Please Don’t Tread On The Snakes’.
- Continue along the track with the manicured grounds on the left.
- After 215 metres, you will arrive at the woodland ahead, indicated by our Woods4Sale sign on a tree (point C).
- The northern boundary CD is indicated by the northern edge of the track.
- The northeastern boundary DE is the southwestern edge of the track, indicated by blue paint on occasional trees and a wooden post.
- EF is the southwestern edge of an overgrown track, indicated by a wooden post with green paint at both points E and F.
- The southwestern boundary FG is indicated by an earth bund with red paint on occasional trees and wooden posts.
- The western boundary GC is indicated by the western edge of the track.
Sporting Rights
The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale. They are not let.
Mineral Rights
The mineral rights are owned and included in the sale except as reserved by statute.
Rights Of Way
- There is a right of way granted for all times and for all purposes over the route ABC.
- A right of way is reserved for others over the routes CD and CG for all purposes including forestry.
- There are no public rights of way within this woodland.
- A maintenance clause covers all the shared rights of way with liability according to use.
Fencing Liabilities
There are no known fencing obligations.
How To Buy
This woodland is being sold on a fixed price basis. We require the following information in writing before we mark a woodland as sold and take it off the market (please ensure you have funds in place before doing this):
- The name and price of the woodland
- Confirmation you have viewed the woodland
- Full name (including middle names), address, phone number and date of birth of all legal purchasers
- Please confirm how you will be funding the purchase and that you have cleared funds available
- The full contact details of your instructed solicitor (including name of company, contact name, email address, telephone number and full address)
Please click on the button below for more information.
Maps & Plans
Plans, areas and particulars are for reference only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy and they do not form a part of any contract. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the condition of the land.
Woods4Sale Ltd
Jubilee Chapel
Church Lane
Phone: 01248 364 362
Company Number: 4657216.