Coopers Wood near Northchapel, West Sussex. 3.93 acres of wonderful mixed ancient broadleaves with many recreational possibilities accessed via a locked gate and along a track. £80,000 (freehold) [#S2258]
A beautiful Ancient Woodland containing mature oak, ash, birch and alder with hazel coppice in a peaceful countryside location, 5 miles east of Haslemere in the South Downs National Park.
West Sussex
3.93 acres
Nearest Postcode
GU28 9EH (This is for the local area, not specific to the woodland).
Entrance (point A): ///aimlessly.grocers.ponies
Centre of wood: ///basic.umbrellas.peachy
Ordnance Survey Grid References
OS Landranger Series Sheet No: 186
- Roadside gate (point A): SU 951 298
- Centre of wood: SU 948 303
Located in rural West Sussex amongst the South Downs National Park, Coopers Wood forms part of a larger Ancient Woodland area and represents a superb opportunity for a weekend forester to while away the hours surrounded by the beautiful countryside.
Situated over gentle northern facing slopes with occasional undulations, its soil composition is largely loamy and clayey. The canopy to the north comprises of oak standards (a number of which are of outstanding quality), ash, birch, alder along with occasional sweet chestnut, willow and rowan. Hazel coppice, younger birch and holly occupy the shrub layer below. Some recently planted oak in the southwestern corner are establishing well, providing a legacy for future custodians. The hazel stools are protected by mesh fencing, these could be re-coppiced in years to come. Towards the south is a lovely area with a private feel to it, consisting of lush birch, willow, ash and some planted cherry now appearing from their shelters. In the shrub layer here, you will find prolific hazel coppice that could serve as a handy bushcraft material. Come the warmer months the ground layer becomes a patchwork of bluebells, wood anemones, foxglove, primrose, wild grasses and bracken.
There are many locations throughout the woodland that would be ideal for occasional camping - some of the openings in between the stems are perfect for stargazing on a clear night. A handy storage cupboard in the southwest could be utilised for tools, whilst the glade under a power line is a spot for visiting deer (roe, muntjac and fallow) to bask in the sunshine. A brush cutter is included in the sale – the vendor has used this to keep the bracken in check in places.
In addition to the presence of deer, other woodland mammals that have been spotted in Coopers Wood include badger, hare, wood mouse, fox and squirrel. Chaffinch, buzzard, skylark, green woodpecker and a range of harmonious songsters make up the feathered population.
If It Were Mine
Overnights would be high on the agenda, perhaps clearing a spot in the more discreet southern end of the wood. Occasional mowing and strimming would be time well spent. A gentle thinning of the larger birch could yield some fuel if required.
Please remember some management operations require approval and/or a licence.
To View This Woodland
You are welcome to view this woodland at any time during daylight hours. We suggest you download a copy of these particulars and take them with you to assist in identifying boundaries, features and access points.
Residential Planning Permission
You are extremely unlikely to get residential planning permission for this woodland.
Directions & Access
- The woodland is situated next to the village of Northchapel in West Sussex.
- From Northchapel Village head north along the A283 and after approximately 100 metres there is a turning to some fields with double steel gates set back on the left (point A on the plan below).
- Please park carefully so access through the gates is not blocked and climb the gates. Sorry we do not provide keys for viewings.
- Once over the first gates you will find a second gate. Please climb this one also and then continue up the track with grassland on either side of you until you enter the woodland (point B).
- Continue along the track passing a sharp turning on the left and then bear left at the junction (point C) following the white arrows.
- Continue along the track bearing right shortly after (point D) following the white arrows down the track and passing another turning on the left (point E).
- After 760 metres you will arrive Coopers Wood (point F) on the right, indicated by green and blue paint on a wooden post and our Wood4Sale sign beyond, along with a Coopers Wood sign below.
- The boundary FG is the outside edge of the track indicated by green paint on occasional wooden posts that may be offset by a short distance, GH is the inside edge of the track, indicated by white paint on occasional wooden posts that may be offset by a short distance.
- The boundary HJ is indicated by blue paint on occasional trees and wooden posts, in part following a barbed wire fence, JK is indicated by pink paint on occasional wooden posts and trees in part with rope between them.
- The boundary KL is indicated by the middle of the power line and occasional blue paint on wooden posts, LF is indicated by blue paint on occasional wooden posts.
Sporting Rights
The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale. They are not let.
Mineral Rights
The mineral rights are owned and included in the sale except as reserved by statute.
Rights Of Way
- There is a right of way granted for Coopers Wood for all times and all purposes over the route ABCDEF and GH.
- A right of way is reserved over the route FG for the benefit of the woodland beyond.
- There are no public rights of way within this woodland.
- A maintenance clause covers all the shared rights of way, with liability according to use.
Fencing Liabilities
There are no known fencing obligations.
Restrictive Covenants
There are some restrictive covenants to protect the woodland and the environment. Please click on the button below to view these.
How To Buy
This woodland is being sold on a fixed price basis. We require the following information in writing before we mark a woodland as sold and take it off the market (please ensure you have funds in place before doing this):
- The name and price of the woodland
- Confirmation you have viewed the woodland
- Full name (including middle names), address, phone number and date of birth of all legal purchasers
- Please confirm how you will be funding the purchase and that you have cleared funds available
- The full contact details of your instructed solicitor (including name of company, contact name, email address, telephone number and full address)
Please click on the button below for more information.
Maps & Plans
Plans, areas and particulars are for reference only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy and they do not form a part of any contract. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the condition of the land.
Woods4Sale Ltd
Jubilee Chapel
Church Lane
Phone: 01248 364 362
Company Number: 4657216.