Coddington Moor Plantation, 13.98 acres of mixed woodland near Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire £149,000 (freehold) [#F2301]
Mixed yet discrete areas of broadleaf and conifer woodland with good access in a quiet location.
13.98 acres
Nearest Postcode
NG24 2QZ (This is for the local area, not specific to the woodland).
Entrance: ///searches.tablet.condense
Ordnance Survey Grid References
OS Landranger Series Sheet No: 121
- Roadside access: SK 848 552
- Centre of wood: SK 849 550
Coddington Moor Plantation is a mixed broadleaf and conifer woodland in a rural part of east Nottinghamshire, near Newark-on-Trent. The main access is through a 3rd party owned small scale timber mill and then along a stone track, with year round access. Within the woodland there is a number of soft tracks that have served the current owner well. Some of these have been become overgrown through lack of use, but a bit of time spent clearing would open them back up again. There are 2 secondary access points directly onto Stapleford Lane – one in the northwest corner and the other in the southwest corner. Either (or both) could be reinstated if so desired.
The woodland can be broadly split into three different areas, the eastern block (approximately 4.7 acres) is made up of 20-30 year old Scots pine, planted as a commercial investment and managed accordingly. The middle block is a mix of planted spruce (of a similar age to the pine) and mature oak, and the western block is more predominantly mature oak with a smattering of spruce, sycamore, hazel, hawthorn and holly trees too.
The woodland has been primarily used and managed for the amenity and shooting opportunities it offers. A small clearing at the end of the stone track has been created and used over the years as a family camping spot. Few trees have been felled, and only some of the fallen trees have been cleared so the woodland has a nice wild feeling to it and is a great habitat for all sorts of wildlife.
The pine and some of the spruce seem to be of an age and size where they could be thinned to produce a modest quantity of timber to potentially be sold to a local sawmill, producing a small amount of tax-free income in the coming years.
Deer, badgers, foxes and rabbits are all regular visitors, as well as numerous species of birds that call the woodland home. The deep permeable sandy and coarse loamy soils support a thick undergrowth of plants, although less so under the spruce in the middle where the thick canopy restricts the sunlight enough to inhibit some of the plant species. Rhododendron bushes were planted years ago as game cover between the pine trees and the rest of the woodland, and along the southern boundary.
In summary, this is a lovely mixed woodland that has a wealth of opportunities for those looking for a slightly larger woodland which offers both amenity and commercial management opportunities.
If It Were Mine
I would thin the Scots pine in the east and the spruce in the middle. The smaller spruce trees under the mature oak in the west are not growing well but are restricting the growth of other plant species so I would fell these. There are plenty of younger hardwood trees growing throughout that would make great firewood, cutting, splitting and stacking these is a great activity!
Please remember some management operations require approval and/or a licence.
To View This Woodland
You are welcome to view this woodland at any time during daylight hours. We suggest you download a copy of these particulars and take them with you to assist in identifying boundaries, features and access points.
Residential Planning Permission
You are extremely unlikely to get residential planning permission for this woodland.
Directions & Access
- Head to Beacon Hill road (starts as Queens road) off the main road running north out of the city (Lincoln road).
- Drive east along Beacon Hill road for approximately 3 miles, over the A1 and through the village of Coddington until you reach a roundabout.
- Drive over the roundabout, taking the second exit, onto Stapleford Lane, directions for Stapleford and Norton Disney.
- Drive along this road, past the Winthorpe and Coddington Tigers Football Club, for approximately 0.5 miles.
- You will pass a Woods4Sale sign on the right hand side (point A on the plan), this is the south west corner of the woodland.
- For viewing purposes, continue past this sign for another 50 metres, and turn right where the road bends slightly to the right (B) and there is a house slightly set back.
- Continue for 50 metres (C) until you reach a bar gate across the track
- If the bar gate is open, please drive through and park off the road, preferably not blocking the road nor the working sawmill.
- If the bar gate is closed, please do not park on the grass, find a suitable parking space on the main road and walk in on foot.
- The southern boundary is the edge of the woodland with fenceline beyond.
- The western boundary is edge of the woodland with verge and main road beyond.
- The short section of the north boundary near the residential property is marked by a fenceline.
- The northeast boundary is in part the edge of the woodland with road and track beyond.
- The boundary around the sawmill is believed to be the edge of the trees on the west and south, and an old fence adjacent to a disused ditch on the east.
Sporting Rights
The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale. They are not let.
Mineral Rights
The mineral rights are owned and included in the sale except as reserved by statute.
Rights Of Way
- There is a right of way granted at all times and for all purposes over the route BCD.
- Whilst there is no formal public right of way, the current owner has allowed adjacent neighbours to walk through the woodland. A new owner can of course retract this if desired.
Fencing Liabilities
There are no known fencing liabilities.
How To Buy
This woodland is being sold on a fixed price basis. We require the following information in writing before we mark a woodland as sold and take it off the market (please ensure you have funds in place before doing this):
- The name and price of the woodland
- Confirmation you have viewed the woodland
- Full name (including middle names), address, phone number and date of birth of all legal purchasers
- Please confirm how you will be funding the purchase and that you have cleared funds available
- The full contact details of your instructed solicitor (including name of company, contact name, email address, telephone number and full address)
Please click on the button below for more information.
Maps & Plans
Plans, areas and particulars are for reference only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy and they do not form a part of any contract. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the condition of the land.
Woods4Sale Ltd
Jubilee Chapel
Church Lane
Phone: 01248 364 362
Company Number: 4657216.