Woodland For Sale

Rose Corner, Woodcote, Oxfordshire. 1.96 acres of beautiful beech woodland in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 18 miles from Oxford. £33,000 (freehold) [#S2209]


A fantastic Ancient Woodland with lofty beech, oak, holly and countryside views, 9 miles north of Reading.




1.96 acres




£33,000 (freehold)

Nearest Postcode

RG8 0RT (This is for the local area, not specific to the woodland).


Point A: ///shuffle.shepherdess.indirect

Centre of wood: ///relatives.easy.towel

Ordnance Survey Grid References

OS Landranger Series Sheet No: 175   

  • Roadside gate: SU 648 808  
  • Centre of wood: SU 648 810


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  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale
  • Woodland For Sale


Rose Corner is situated in rural Oxfordshire, a stone’s throw south of the village of Woodcote and forms the northern point of a wider gated area known as Birchen Copse.

The woodland sits among largely level fertile flint and loamy clay soils and presents a mature canopy of majestic beech as well as the occasional oak, ash, birch and cherry. In the shrub layer below you will find prolific holly, laurel and a yew tree or two. The holly groves offer a sense of privacy for occasional camping.

The whole area was historically managed for its good beech timber to service a once successful furniture industry in nearby High Wycombe. Come spring and summer, the ground layer becomes coloured with Ancient Woodland indicators such as bluebell, primrose and wood anemones. Patches of lush green brachythecium moss offer an interesting layer to the woodland floor.

Arresting rural views are enjoyed from the northeastern boundary, perhaps making a nice location to sit on a bench on a warm evening with a glass. Regular woodland frequenters include both roe and muntjac deer, badger, common dormouse, the long-eared owl, buzzards and many mellifluous songsters.

Rose Corner gives vast scope for woodland recreation and bushcraft, with the added benefit of some domestic firewood if required. Access is a stone track via a locked gate.

If It Were Mine

There are a number of suitable areas here to accommodate a trailered sawmill; selecting a stem for any one of a multitude of uses would certainly be on the list. Story telling with the family round a responsible campfire would be a welcome distraction from electronic devices. I would think about putting in a vehicular gate at the access into Rose Corner and continuing the fencing along the southwestern boundary.

Please remember some management operations require approval and/or a licence.

To View This Woodland

You are welcome to view this woodland at any time during daylight hours. We suggest you download a copy of these particulars and take them with you to assist in identifying boundaries, features and access points.


Residential Planning Permission

You are extremely unlikely to get residential planning permission for this woodland.

Directions & Access

  • From the edge of Reading take the A4074 north towards Wallingford and Oxford.
  • Approximately 1 mile past Cane End turn left onto the B4526.
  • Follow this road for another mile and then turn right for Woodcote.
  • The entrance for the wood can be seen on the right-hand side of the road after 550 metres indicated by a Woods4Sale sign (point A on the plan below).
  • Please park in a suitable place not obstructing the gate. Sorry we do not provide keys for viewings.
  • Climb the gate and continue along the track, keeping left at the junction (point B).
  • Continue along the track passing some metal fencing and a steel gate on the right.
  • After 195 metres you will arrive at Rose Corner (point C), just after the post and rail fence, indicated by our Woods4Sale sign.


  • The southeastern boundary is the post and rail fence.
  • The northeastern boundary is for the most part the wire and rail fence, along with some panel fence.
  • The northwestern boundary is for the most part the wire and rail fence, along with some panel fence with residential garden beyond.
  • The southwestern boundary is indicated by green paint on occasional trees and wooden posts.

Sporting Rights

The sporting rights are owned and included in the sale. They are not let.

Mineral Rights

The mineral rights are owned and included in the sale except as reserved by statute.

Rights Of Way

  • There is a right of way granted for all times and for all purposes over the route ABC.
  • A right of way is reserved over the routes CD for the benefit of the woodland to the southwest.
  • There is a public footpath that runs north-south through the centre of the wood and a bridleway that runs towards the northeast boundary.
  • NOTE: A Section 53 application for an amendment to the definitive map (Definitive Map Modification Order) was made in October 2020, affecting Rose Corner and the neighbouring plots of woodland. Full details are available on request.
  • We also understand there is a public footpath on the outside of the northwest boundary, but people appear to use a route inside the wood instead.

Fencing Liabilities

There are no known fencing liabilities.

Restrictive Covenants

There are some restrictive covenants to protect the woodland and the environment. Please click on the button below to view these.

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How To Buy

This woodland is being sold on a fixed price basis. We require the following information in writing before we mark a woodland as sold and take it off the market (please ensure you have funds in place before doing this):

  • The name and price of the woodland
  • Confirmation you have viewed the woodland
  • Full name (including middle names), address, phone number and date of birth of all legal purchasers
  • Please confirm how you will be funding the purchase and that you have cleared funds available
  • The full contact details of your instructed solicitor (including name of company, contact name, email address, telephone number and full address)

Please click on the button below for more information.

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Maps & Plans

Woodland For Sale Regional Plan

Woodland For Sale Regional Plan

Woodland Aerial Image

Woodland For Sale Plan

Woodland For Sale Map Legend


Plans, areas and particulars are for reference only. We cannot guarantee their accuracy and they do not form a part of any contract. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the condition of the land.

Enquire About This Woodland


Woods4Sale Ltd
Jubilee Chapel
Church Lane

Phone: 01248 364 362
Company Number: 4657216.

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